Thought Expounding
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My brain is full!
by alan on Sat 1st Mar 2003 5:45PM

School's starting to get overwhelming and I'm really itching to get back to coding again. Some friends tore apart my resume and put it back together much better than it originally was. Such that when I saw a paper copy, I was suprised. "Oooh! Aaah!" It's all true, but I've never been able to sell myself that well. Maybe I'll get a few interviews quickly this way.

This afternoon, I'm helping a friend move. He's not going far, in fact, less distance than I have to travel to get to his place to help him move. :)

Stress is an engineering term
by alan on Fri 7th Mar 2003 9:45PM

This week has been almost easy. I just had a seminar to do. I think I flunked it, since I was supposed to talk for twenty minutes and talked for maybe seven.

Next week, now, that's different. I've got two midterms, another test and a brief to do. I have my doubts that I'll get through the week with ease.

Ugh, midterms
by alan on Tue 11th Mar 2003 6:01PM

I did one midterm yesterday. When I left I thought to myself, 'I didn't study enough.' I'm reasonably sure that I didn't do as well as I could have. Odd part was five minutes later I was suddenly in a really good mood that stayed with me for a few hours. Right up to about the time I was feeling like I should be taking an afternoon nap, which just coincided with Hebrew class.

My next midterm, is in that class on Wednesday. I'm pretty confident about that one, since it's open book and the prof always gives us these really easy tests, and then marks really easy as well. I'm not sure, maybe it's 'cause I started school ten years ago, but I think this is a little too easy for a university course...

I also have a couple-page brief due Thursday. It's not a hard date though, so I can push it back a week or three. It'll just conflict with my 10-15 page research essay due next Thursday, if I push the brief back too much. Oh well.

Friday is the first of our 3 Fridays 3 Greek tests. This one is a "normal" test of understanding etc. No big deal.

by alan on Tue 18th Mar 2003 12:31AM

I've been a little unsteady on my feet the last few days. I'm not sure if it's the stress getting to me, or that I've got a flu. Either way I'm past caring about the essays that are due. I've forgotten how to write essays as well. Ho hum.

The weather is becoming delightful. After last week's cold, it feels like a heat wave going on. The snows melting very quickly, and I would not in the least be suprised to hear of flooding. The streams of water that have appeared, almost out of no where are quite large.

by alan on Sat 22nd Mar 2003 1:10AM

Well, almost all the snow is gone, but the grass hasn't had a chance to turn green yet.

I'm feeling much better from last weekend, but still a little stressed, 'cause now I have two essays past due. Arrrgh.

Essay crunch
by alan on Tue 25th Mar 2003 4:28PM

So, I've been procrastinating on my essays. Doing everything but. Saturday I skipped a few things I could have gone to in order to have time to work on my essays, but like a fool, I procrastinated all day. Arggh.

No essays done yet.
by alan on Thu 27th Mar 2003 9:00PM

So I thought I had my 10-15 page essay done, until I pulled it into the word processor. Doh! four pages. Ok, so the format was all wrong. With a more normal format it came out to 7, with footnotes pushed in we get 8. I think I'll hand in like that. I'm not going to try to make a huge font to get the other two pages. I'm past caring, really. Heh, with title page and bibliography it does count as 10 pages but I don't think the prof will count them like that. :)

by alan on Sat 29th Mar 2003 11:13PM

So, I'm done all my essays. I didn't do really well on them, but I can't be bothered fixing them up perfect, or even high quality.

This evening a friend is getting married. For some reason, they wanted an evening wedding. I'm not complaining too much, it left me more time to work on an essay earlier this afternoon.

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