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Birthday coming
by alan on Tue 1st Apr 2003 4:32AM

So my birthday is coming up. I've got to find a place to host it other than my apartment. Last year I had it at my apartment, and, well, it was full. This year I've got more people that I want to invite, and slightly less space than last year. Hmmm.

Meanwhile, I still haven't handed in my essays. They're sitting in my backpack right now, and I should be able to hand them in tomorrow.

Also tomorrow, is my first final.

Two down.
by alan on Thu 3rd Apr 2003 6:17PM

This morning I did my second final exam of the term. I think I passed the course. If not, oh well. Tomorrow, I finish classes then have to study for two finals on Monday. Then it's nearly a week off until my next exam, which can't possibly need a week to study for.

Ice Storm
by alan on Sat 5th Apr 2003 4:05AM

So an ice storm came in last night around 5 or 6 pm and is still going on. Very little seems to be affected, other than that it's a little dangerous out on the streets and schools did not open today. That includes the University. I walked down there anyway to get some stuff from my locker. So much for the last day of class.

Four Down
by alan on Tue 8th Apr 2003 3:30AM

Only one more exam left. And it's almost a week away. No problems. I'll study for it just so that I haven't forgotten everything from the term. If the exam had been today though, I probably would not have studied for it.

My job search continues. I just emailed a bunch of potential references to ask if they would mind. I certainly hope not.

Yesterday, I watched the 1970's classic Gone in Sixty Seconds (not the new movie with the same name). It was something to watch a 40 minute long chase scene. The whole time you're hoping the bad guy (and star of the movie) gets away. And that he doesn't get killed from all the stuff he rams into. Time well wasted.

Time to find work.
by alan on Fri 11th Apr 2003 3:29AM

So, I've been putting off job searching as I write essays and study for exams. Now that I've only got one exam left, I've really got to get down to looking for work. I've applied to about 8 places in the last month. That's not really the way to get a job, except in a bubble market where you mention the word 'internet' and venture capitalists dump loads of cash on you. Ahhh the old days of 1999.

In the meantime, I've been trying to apply some of what I studied. I tried reading through the Epistle to Titus on Saturday. It took me three hours to go through the first chapter, and I finally finished the third chapter today in two. So much for my idea of reading a chapter a day. Unless Paul was being particularly neologophilic when he was writing to Titus, that would take three hours a day! I don't think that'll work. I might have to cut it down to 8 verses or so a day. :(

by alan on Mon 14th Apr 2003 8:26PM

All done my first year back at school. They gave us three hours: I was out in about an hour and ten. I could have finished sooner but I paced myself to go slow.

Tomorrow I have to start on my job search at full steam, no more of this puttering around to find work, but real work finding work.

by alan on Fri 18th Apr 2003 7:39PM

So this week has been rather poor. Since I finished my exam on Monday, I havne't really done much of anything. I just don't have any reason to do anything. Tuesday I spen looking for work, For a while on Wednesday as well, but having things on my plate seems to be the best way to get more done. When I'm working or going to school, I get home and want to do stuff, like clean, program, learn stuff. But now that I'm in the "I'm not doing anything" phase, I don't have the gumption to get up and do stuff. So, I've been cutting back on my food intake to make up for that, so I don't put on ten pounds and have even less energy.

Today is a Seder (I think it's pronounced some other way) dinner with my church at 3 this afternoon. Mmmm, Lamb!

by alan on Tue 22nd Apr 2003 6:27PM

So, it's really boring looking for work. Most of your time you're waiting for a job to fall out of the sky (or even less likely: an employer to call you back). I've found some stuff to keep me busy: I'm refreshing what I learned of Latin a few years ago, and I've been trying to do some programming on a project I find rather cool. But for some reason when you have all the time in the world actually doing anything seems to be a chore.

In non-news, my birthday is tomorrow, maybe an employer will call on my birthday?

Still no calls
by alan on Thu 24th Apr 2003 8:03PM

Well, I still haven't gotten any calls offering me work or even an interview. One gets the idea that maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I'm offering myself to companies that think I'm beyond them or something. Nah, that can't be it.

Funny business
by alan on Sun 27th Apr 2003 8:43PM

This morning I turned on my workstation and tried to ssh into the server as I do most mornings. No response. Then I tried pinging it; still no response. Tried rebooting it. No difference. So I started playing around. Put a video card into the server to see what happens. It can't seem to find the video card. Odd. Okay, I'll move the harddrive onto the workstation and check the logs. As I was doing that, my ride to church showed up, so I left with her. After lunch I got home started working on it, and an hour later I finally have something that at least partly works. It's a little frustrating.

This is not a test.
by alan on Wed 30th Apr 2003 7:25PM

So I haven't worked out the problem yet. What was the server Saturday night sits, stripped of its hard-drive and side panels, an empty skeleton in my living room. I seem to be too lazy to bother fixing it. I've been just lying around not doing anything. Well, except for some reading and similar. The gospel of John is some interesting reading in Greek.

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