Thought Expounding
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Welcome to my weblog.
by alan on Sat 13th Jul 2002 10:36PM

Hi, This is my second attempt at creating a weblog. This time I think I'll intentionally tell tall tales here. I think that might be my most interesting stuff. And if I feel like ranting, I will.

Hilltop weblog
by alan on Sat 20th Jul 2002 8:49PM

Well, I got the weblog that I had running last summer back up finally. It wasn't very hard, once I had all the hardware set up the way I wanted. For instance, I have a nice machine that I bought just about the time the harddrive in the old webserver died.

Well, it's my personal machine. I don't want to leave it on all the time running linux. I'd like to play games under winders from time to time. So I bought a harddrive off a friend. But would you believe it? The bios wouldn't recognize it. D'oh!

That was a couple of months ago. I've been pretty busy on weekends lately, but last weekend I finally got the machine running debian, with pppoe connecting to the internet. But then, I couldn't access the net with my workstation any more.

So off to Future Shop (owned by Best Buy) to get a solution to that problem. I decided on an SMC network switch starter kit. I know I could have bought a hardware firewall, but this is more flexible. I can run IPv6 behind my firewall/webserver now, or disconnect the firewall from the switch for lan parties, without losing the connection of the webserver. The kit also came with network cards and cables. Sweet.

Now I just need to upgrade the kernel on the firewall to allow for NAT. I installed one without so I still can't actually see the internet from my workstation, but I'm getting closer.

Argh, power outages.
by alan on Tue 23rd Jul 2002 12:26AM

Argh, two power outages in as many weeks. Waterloo Hydro seems to be slipping. Odd that both times it was at roughly 12:15. There's something fishy going on with that. I guess next month's hardware purchase will be a UPS instead of a printer like I'd hoped. I guess the printer will have to wait till September.

Last Day of Work
by alan on Thu 25th Jul 2002 10:43PM

Today was my last day of work! It feels rather like the last day of school from back when I was in public school. Nothing much to do, and some time off before returning to school. In this case, I've got the next month off. I'm going to be doing some travelling then I return to school to start my second undergraduate degree. I'm looking forward to it.

First Day of Vacation
by alan on Fri 26th Jul 2002 5:36PM

So far so good. I can't seem to relax just yet,though. I've got a list of things to do over the next few days. I've done about half of them. Tomorrow I'll be at a wedding for much of the day. And life just continues after that. Oh well. I'll be running in circles the rest of today.

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