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by alan on Fri 2nd Aug 2002 9:08PM

Well, I haven't been up to much at all this last week. The heat's just been killing me. I did make it to that wedding on Saturday. Congrats to all the lucky parties. And I saw a friend there I haven't seen for years. He came down to Wloo on Monday and we hung out, catching up on old times and stuff.

Wednesday was a friends birthday and I spent the afternoon with him. He beat me pretty soundly at a game of chess, then I went over to another friends house for the evening.

Other than those, I've been playing Master of Orion 2 (MOO2). It's a rather old game. It requires a 486-100 or Pentium-90, but it's a very engrossing game. Hours of entertainment. MOO3 is supposed to be out this year sometime, but I'll probably wait for it to drop a lot in price before I touch it. I've also gotten a look at WarCraft III. It's wierd after WC2 and Starcraft.

Hmm, my book is coming along too. I'm up to thirty thousand words, not all continuous or in final form. It's taken four years to reach this far. It should be only another three years to finish the first draft. HA!

by alan on Mon 5th Aug 2002 5:50PM

Well, I'm going on a road trip. We're heading for Florida. Should be a blast! The wedding at the other end should be cool. The bachelor party certainly was! Here's to the bride and groom.

I'm back!
by alan on Mon 12th Aug 2002 6:56PM

I'm back for a few days. Catching up on sleep. 25 hours on the road is very tiring, even though I don't drive, I still can't sleep very well in a car. I'm always looking out for cars not doing what the driver expects of them. Tuesday, before we left, I broke one of the keys in my lock. Arggh. The other key I have works but you hav to jiggle it somewhat to get it to work. Not good. I'm trying to track down the landlord to change it.

Back online.
by alan on Sat 31st Aug 2002 12:45AM

Ah, the joys of a vacation. While all your hardwork goes offline and you end up without a webpage for a couple of weeks. Okay, actually, the webpage was up, but the name wasn't point to it. Lalalala. Configuration problem on my part. Well, next time I'll know to test out the configuration before going on vacation. Hehehe.

Anywhoo, my trip around the province has given me a new appreciation of home, meaning where-ever I hang my hat, and store my books. It's good to visit with nieces and nephews, but being limited to the books I was willing to carry to the bus stop for two full weeks was a nightmare. I'll have to find someway to digitise all of them and store them all on a palm-sized device which blows up to a reasonable size for reading. Maybe in a few years.

I did come across though, one of the Lensman series of books. Niney cents. CANADIAN! Whoohoo! I don't think the store I found it at realised what they had. Nor was I really going to tell them. I probably would have paid somewhat three loonies without thinking about it.

All for a comma
by alan on Sat 31st Aug 2002 5:48PM

Well, now I know the need to understand puncuation. My website was unaccessible for the past two weeks because I missed putting in a comma in the correct configuration file. That was it. Maybe tomorrow I'll learn about full-stops.

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