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Long summer
by alan on Mon 17th Sep 2007 11:51PM

So, I've been adjusting to not having as much time as I had when I was underemployed. It's been a good summer, and it's looking to be a better fall. My wife is back to teaching and I'm keeping busy with work and my template engine. I haven't done much with it recently, just a few updates for errors I had introduced. I've been doing more work on my DB layer (link won't yet work) so that I can start testing the template engine with larger datasets. So far everything seems pretty good. By the time I'm done, I expect I'll be able to easily write blogging software, social networking software, a CRM, or a number of other things with just a configuration file (and the html templates). Of course, there's a way to go yet, and there's always the unexpected.

I think that's all I'll say today. Another day I'll hopefully get some story up.

by alan on Sat 22nd Sep 2007 7:16PM

I've started preparing to do refactoring on Ante, and I've discovered a bug. And I've discovered some documentation errors. Sigh, I knew I should have tested the sample code better. It's not fair to anyone to have documentation errors on some code. It's not fair to the person trying out the software, because it won't show how to actually use it. It's not really fair to me, since the person trying it out is deciding that I can't program because the documentation is wrong. So, now I have to start testing every bit of code that I put in documentation. It's a pain.

For interest's sake, the first documentation error I found, and corrected, was in the Ante User Guide. I had made the name of the css classes ac_gender_male and ac_gender_female instead of .ac_gender_male and .ac_gender_female. Anyone familiar with CSS should have been able to figure out what I meant with out a problem.

The second, and I haven't corrected it yet, is in the Ante Programmer's Cookbook. I have on there:

$datasource = new AwArrayDataSource( array(
			'name' => 'Dan',
			'employee' => array(
				array( 'name' => 'David'),
				array( 'name' => 'Albert'),
				array( 'name' => 'Joanne')

It's a hidden bug, but the 'David' item would never show up! Arrays in Ante are 1 based for various reasons. One of which is so that you can give a single value to the array, but still loop over the children. I guess I ended up being too smart for my own good.

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