Thought Expounding
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by alan on Wed 28th Nov 2007 3:52PM

I'm getting my Ante Template engine finished up. I've done most of the big refactorings that I wanted to do, all there's a few side cases that I still have to think about, but it's coming along nicely. I'm going to get back to the Rior Database layer quite soon. There's a number of inefficiencies I want to clean up and a few useful bits that I want to finish properly. When I'm done those, (at this rate in January or February) I'll be setting up my weblog using those tools and it should be straightforward to set up a comment system (finally!). There's a few other things that I want to do with those tools, but this is a start.

Anyway, I haven't written anything lately, so I'm going to give a quick blurb and then I have to head off to work

When Marchan woke up he discovered himself under mounds of blankets. He slowly crawled out from under them. The sun was shining with the strength of midday. The windows of the room he was in all faced south and the fields, covered in whiteness, reflected back the sun's light. Marchan looked around and decided the room must be a guest room in the tower. The walls were sparse, but had a few paintings on them. Marchan did not recognize the subjects. There was a dresser on one side which must be quite low for men but was still rather high for him. On it stood an ewer and a large bowl beside a towel. Marchan went over to it and found the ewer was full of water. He poured some into the bowl and washed his face in it. It felt good.

He was just finishing when he heard a soft tap on one of the doors. He approached the door as it opened and a man came in. The man, seeing Marchan, tipped his head down and held out the clothes he was carrying. At that point Marchan realized that he was a little chilly and not wearing much so he approached and with the man's help put on the clothing. It was of a strange cut, but fit him reasonably well.

The man said something in the local language, but Marchan was unable to understand. Then the man beckoned and they left the room.

This is pretty much just a teaser. Hopefully, I'll want to know what happens next and be writing again soon.

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