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by alan on Tue 9th Nov 2004 11:44PM

Change happens quickly when it happens. The week after my last post, I had a job interview and was offered the job. I started the following Monday, and well, posting here was really far down on my list of things to do. Anyone reading this who hasn't already heard that I'm working. Sorry, maybe we have to get in touch a little more often.

by alan on Sun 28th Nov 2004 3:33AM

So, did you know that not posting to one's weblog can be hazardous to one's health? I'm going to tell you a little story. You don't have to believe it.

There was this guy; we'll call him, uh, Bob. Now Bob had a weblog he posted to somewhat regularily. It allowed his friends whom he didn't see regularily to keep up on some of the things going on in his life. From it they saw he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, so they would comment on his actions when they did see him. It gave them something to talk about when they saw each other. Through these talks he came to discover the reason why he was running ragged all the time, and got rid of it. Now, after some time posting to his 'blog, Bob stopped. He never really gave out a reason to anyone that made any sense, but stop he did. His friends wondered what had happened, even tried emailing him to ask him about what was going on in his life, but he couldn't be bothered to respond, or possibly his responses just never made it back across the ocean to his friend's inboxes. Since his friends never got any responses, they assumed he was too busy to talk to them, and they stopped sending him emails. One day he realised he hadn't heard from his friends for some time and wondered why. He tried contacting his old friends but they had moved, their email addresses had changed, and once he did track them down they had nothing to talk about. Bob got very angry that he'd lost his friends and while he was angry, he had a heart-attack. Today, he's recovering from his heart-attack, but is afraid he won't be able to go running with the guys any more.

So, did you believe it?   No?   Good. So, I don't want to become like Bob. I happen to like running with the guys. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm going to be posting here a little more often. I'm also going to update my schedule, since it's fairly out of date.

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