Thought Expounding
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by alan on Fri 30th Apr 2004 10:04PM

So I just spent a few hours moving a couple. Oh boy, are a lot of people going to be called on, whom I've helped, move when I go to move! Here's to a dead summer, with not very many people moving. (Like that's going to happen. :) )

I've done my second undergraduate degree. In a month and some, I can convocate all over again. This time I think I get a green lined hood to go with the wine coloured one I got six years ago. My last exam was the breeze that I expected, so I'm really not worried about that class. I've got 4 of the other 5 marks back already, and I didn't do to bad on those. I just hope I didn't make a complete mess of the essay that I handed in on the 14th.

I noticed again this week, that prices jumped again on Tuesday evening (or Wednesday morning) and this time it was over 8%, since they had fallen a little lower than 75 cents and went again up to 81 cents. This just seems a little large of a jump. All I can say is, gas up Monday or early Tuesday if you live in KW. If you go down to TO regularily though, gas up down there. It seems they have better prices all week.

And Away!
by alan on Tue 4th May 2004 3:38PM

Yesterday, I started car shopping. I test drove a couple of cars and I rather liked the second one, even if it had a lot more klicks on the odometer than the first. I'm going to go back and look at the car again today or tomorrow.

The Register has an interesting article on the idea of levies on digital media such as blank CDs, computers, and flash cards.They seem to come to the conclusion that the US will eventually be pushing for the removal of them as DRM (Digital Rights Management -- do a Google search if you're not sure what that's about) comes into its own.

by alan on Tue 4th May 2004 9:28PM

Okay, so I'm not likely to be going back to that car again. I found a car I like better, that's got much fewer clicks on it, and seems to have more power. It may have been the way I was driving though. I can drive standard, honest; I'm just not very good at it yet. Tomorrow, I'm taking it to the mechanic to take a look at.

I noticed when I went out this morning, that gas prices jumped again, 9 cents. Roughly 11% from what I bought a tankful at yesterday. Meh? It's hit a high since I started paying close attention almost a year ago. What's with that? The disturbance in Iraq can't have affect it this much. I'm really starting to wonder about where this is going.

I have miles to go before I sleep
by alan on Fri 7th May 2004 3:48PM

Today, I'm putting about 400 kilometres on my friend's car. I borrowed it while she's in England, so that I could go car shopping, and it just happens that another friend is getting married this afternoon. I'm driving up there to be at the wedding, then going to pick someone else up on the way back. I'll report the trip distance tomorrow, if I remember to check it. This is quite a step up from having never driven more than about 200 kilometres in a day. I've already put some 500 kilometres on the car so far this week. I guess part of living in Canada is being willing to go the distance.

It looks like the federal election has finally been announced. The actual date hasn't been announced yet, but late June looks like the time. I guess it's time to go brush up on the "issues" and figure out who to vote for.

I have gone and come back
by alan on Sat 8th May 2004 2:53AM

So, I've gotten 975 kilometres out of my friend's car this week. I hope she doesn't mind too much. Slightly over 400 of that was today.

The BBC reports that oil prices have reached $40USD per barrel. Hmm, so it's OPEC not keeping prices stable that's the explains why Waterloo gasoline prices are jumping to new heights? Hmmm. Maybe it's time to find an alternative source of energy for cars.

by alan on Mon 10th May 2004 8:34PM

I bought a car. It's a black 4 door 1996 Corolla with a manual transmission. The sales guy called me half an hour ago to let me know it's ready. So, I'm going to pick it up in the morning. (I don't have insurance until then, otherwise I'd be on my way there now.) Heh, now I won't be tied to asking for rides or taking the bus when I'm going further than my feet will carry me.

slashdot and others have noted the new ease of disseminating information in waretime. The case in point is the rather disgusting photos that came out of Iraq in recent weeks, but the interesting thing is the fact that such photos would have taken days, week, even months to reach North America 60 years ago, and possibly not have even been published due to content. The American public would have continued thinking their people in Iraq were doing the right thing (as most of them probably are... a few bad apples and all that)(that's for following orders and not abusing prisoners for "the right thing") and would be completely oblivious to the abuse going on. With the internet, keeping such stories down is just no longer possible.

by alan on Tue 11th May 2004 2:58AM

It seems some friends are suprised that I would ever buy a car. Of course, I'm pretty suprised myself. A few years ago, I was hoping to be able to avoid it, but well, this is the way things go. So, here I am, on the verge of owning my own car.

Now some welcome news in that regard: The Star reports that the federal Competition Bureau is looking into recent gas hikes. A number of people have complained, it seems, and the Bureau are on the job. The article doesn't seem very hopeful that they'll find anything wrong though, but it may be that the gas prices will ease off as the oil companies try to avoid getting accused of illegal activities.

by alan on Wed 12th May 2004 11:41PM

I've gotten a little bit of driving in over the last day and a bit since I picked up my car. It's kind of fun to know that I can pick up and go, and don't have to check bus schedules and what not. This morning I went down to Milton and back to make it to a meeting at Loys' house. (See posts from a year ago to find out who Loys is.) What's got me worried is that when I press on the brake and the clutch I hear a slight scraping noise. I'm hoping that doesn't mean a new clutch and a new brake system are required. My one month warranty should cover that, but it seems a little ridiculous to be caught the first day. I'll have to get someone who's a little more knowledgeable than I to listen to it and see if it's normal and I'm just being over sensitive.

The BBC is reporting why petroleum prices are rising. Governments are buying up stock to avoid price shocks (it's mentioned at the bottom of the article). Uh, isn't that what's happening now? Prices at the pump for gasoline are nearly double what they were a few years ago. If they think these prices are pre-shock prices, I'm wondering what they're afraid the prices will be when we get a "disruption".

by alan on Mon 17th May 2004 6:30AM

Thank God for bandaids. I was opening a package this morning and cut myself. The knife went in deep enough to hurt more than a usual little cut. I held it for somewhere near ten minutes before I felt comfortable putting a bandaid on it. If I hadn't any bandaids in the house I likely would have had to hold it much longer, and it would have burst open a few times during the day as I rubbed it or whatever.

Today was a rather busy day. Went to church early for setup, had to tell the setup crew that it's not actually my week for setup I keep showing up anyway, as well as on the weeks I'm on, that they just assumed I was on theirs. After church I went over to a friend's house. Mmm, lasagna. And finished watching Shanghai Knights on his XBox/DVD Player. Honestly, I don't think it's near as good as Shanghai Noon was. Yes, it's funny, but some of the jokes just weren't that funny for how much time was spent on them.

The last couple of days I've been climbing onto the second story of an addition from the outside as the outside walls are added to it. We finished the framing of the outside walls Saturday afternoon and I guess it's full steam ahead for the roofers to start putting on the roof.

No news is good news.

by alan on Thu 20th May 2004 5:01AM

So, I've started on the long trip of figuring out my gas milage. This week I'm travelling back and forth to Mississauga for a church conference. I've already had to fill up twice this week and I think I'll have to fill up again to make it back to Waterloo at the end of the week.

Meanwhile, A group in the US is claiming that gas prices are actually quite mild right now. I'm having some doubts about that, but they are adjusting for inflation. On the other hand the extreme changes (I filled up yesterday at 79.9 in Mississauga and today at the same station they were charging 91.6!) suggest to me some sort of collusion, someone must be telling the whole group to raise prices together...

by alan on Sun 23rd May 2004 10:05PM

So I've gotten a little behind on posting. I don't even have an excuse. I just haven't been thinking about it. So, I finished my week driving back and forth to Mississauga. Friday night I stayed down with some friends in Brampton and had a fun time playing with their children. Their 6 month old daughter at first was afraid of me and cried for a half hour or so. It wasn't until much later that I was able to hold onto her, and then she was fine and content.

Meanwhile, my housekeeping has been suffering. :) I've got a mess in my living room and someone gave me a bottle of wood glue to fix my dining chairs a week ago. I still haven't even figured out when I'll have time to do that. Brother.

by alan on Thu 27th May 2004 3:58PM

The last few days have been relaxing. Monday wasn't. I was helping a friend start a roof. No, I wasn't defying gravity; I kept my feet for the most part firmly on the ground or floor. Passing up stuff to the guys who were working on the roof. Carrying two sawhorses two stories up a ladder is not fun. That was quite enough gravity defiance for me.

Tuesday and Wednesday I've been trying to do housework, but the desire to rest just seems to be getting in the way.

The next couple of days look like they'll be shaping up the same way, so I'm unlikely to be posting again.

by alan on Mon 31st May 2004 3:46PM

So, I had a wonderful weekend. The last three days of last week were some of my best days ever. Everything seems better when you're loving what you are. This weekend the roof on my friend's addition was finally finished. He's just got to tar around the vents and whatnot and after the siding is done all that's left is interior work. Joy!

The BBC is reporting that the hostage taking and fears of more similar acts in Saudi Arabia could lead to higher oil prices. Hmm, seems the world is very interconnected. I suppose I should gas up today, execpt my tank isn't even half empty yet...

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