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by alan on Mon 1st Mar 2004 8:35PM

So, I signed out a few books from the library after that last post. I've started the research. Now it's a matter of bugging it until I have enough info in my head to write an essay of some 3000 words. Sigh.

More time.
by alan on Sat 6th Mar 2004 4:54PM

This essay that I'm working on is due in just under three weeks, and I feel like I don't have the time to finish it. It's a horrible feeling. I'm trying to figure out my theis right now. I'm not having fun: hence, I'm posting. :-)

In trying to finish this weekend I've given myself too much to do. I should never have decided to do the whole essay in a weekend. Well, back to the grind

No essay
by alan on Tue 9th Mar 2004 1:09AM

As expected, I didn't get very far on my essay over the weekend. I finished what I had to read from one book, and then thought a while about my thesis. Lost more to do on it.

Spring seems to have arrived in KW. Last week the temperature was warm enough to melt off most of the snow. Just where it had been piled up or where it had fallen under trees remained. But then Sunday, we got a dump of snow. It's been very slippery since. I suspect it'll melt off again in the next week or so, though next weekend is supposed to be freezing again so we might get more snow again. I wonder, does this mean March has come in like a Lion, so March will go out like a Lamb? Or was last week the Lamb so that March will go out like a Lion?

In the news: I haven't really had time to read much. I notice Libya has announced they've shipped out all their WMDs. I'm wondering if they got some just so they could turn around and ship them out so the US won't attack them over (possibly non-existent) WMDs? It'd be a pure stroke of genius on the part of the Libyan government.

3 and a half weeks
by alan on Wed 10th Mar 2004 8:57PM

Only three and a half weeks left. I'm a little surprised by how little is left of my second degree. Soon, I'll be basking in work again, slowly forgetting all the new stuff I've learned. :)

My essay has not moved very much. I'm hoping to get a thousand words or two done tonight, then finish it off tomorrow evening. Just have to get an interesting thesis.

Heh, Thesis
by alan on Fri 12th Mar 2004 1:51PM

Well, last night I finally decided on a thesis and started writing the actual essay. It's shaping up to be about 1500 words not including all (but only some) of the qoutations. I got 700 words typed up last night. It's supposed to be 2500 to 3000. Not a good sign so far. I'll probably be able to add a bit more while editing it. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll reach 2500 though. Maybe I'll have to do a bit of restructuring and rolling.

In the news: Madrid's been hit with a major attack on its train system. Yesterday was not a good day for thousands of people in Spain. I don't know what else to say.

by alan on Tue 16th Mar 2004 4:39PM

I know I shouldn't be stressed. All I have to do is 3 essays next week and take one test next week. Plus the exams during the exam period. But it's really been getting to me. I feel the stress of school. I keep forgetting it a week after it's done.

In happier things: I was down to the Royal Ontario Museum on Saturday. They have an Egyptian exibit on that's well worth the 2&1/2 hours I spent there on Saturday. Afterward we went out for some ice cream with some friends that live in downtown TO.

by alan on Sat 20th Mar 2004 12:11AM

It's been nice and sunny today. I've been keeping myself cooped up inside though, because "I'm working on my essay." Actually, I haven't done a thing so far. It's due next Friday. I think I've got time to finish it; unfortunately, I'm not sure I've time to finish the other one that's due next Wednesday as well. Maybe. I've also got to study for my French "in-class-essay" that we're doing next week. It sounds exactly like a test, but with only one question, and we're expected to write 250 words, in French. I'm sure I can pass, even maybe do well if I properly prepare for it. I'm just not sure I'll have time to do that...

The Anti-Terrorism groups seem to be getting themselves into the news this week. There have been multiple arrests of for the train bombings in Madrid, and Pakistan has surrounded a group believed to be Al-Qaeda members on the Afghan border. The BBC is speculating that holed up inside is an Egyptian who is also the #2 for the group. If so, that could be a major coup. The problem, so far as I can see, is that Al-Qaeda is not centralised. So, catching some, or even all, of the top men will not stop the group. The cells that aren't directly connected to the top may be unaffected, or even start agitating more because their "leaders" have been captured. It seems to me that the only way of stopping Al-Qaeda would be to educate (read indoctrinate) the whole population of Muslim countries with economic ideas, so that they can see that attacking the US and other western nations (and even their own nations: Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morroco, Iraq, Pakistan) hurt their own descendents considerably in the economic realm.

Driving is stressful
by alan on Tue 23rd Mar 2004 2:51PM

I put myself through a lot of stress yesterday. I drove down to Mississauga to talk to a guy at a company I've been looking to work at. It was my first time driving on the 401 and I'm sure it won't be the last. I am sure though that I don't want to be driving that everyday. When I got to Mississauga I pulled off and went into a Timmy's, ordered a butter tart and a hot chocolate, then shivered for about 10 minutes while I recovered from having driven for an hour. So cold!

The "interview" was interesting in itself. It left me less sure that I want to work there than I had been. It's something I'll have to pray over a little. (okay, a lot).

In the news: The European Union is currently working on setting up a "Terrorism Tsar" along with a department to coordinate anti-terrorism activities within member states. Already, they've started telling trading partners to work harder against terrorism or be cut off from trade with (and aid from) the EU. Does this mean the EU is heading toward a more centralised government? More of a US style federalism where eventually the member states have no say at all in foreign affairs or anything that's really important on the world stage, or even in many law enforcement areas? I guess we'll find out in the next 50 years or so.

Yuck essays
by alan on Fri 26th Mar 2004 2:25AM

So, I handed in one essay yesterday. As I was going over my notes yesterday, or maybe Tuesday, I noticed that it was supposed to be 5-7 pages long. I had 1 page ready. I thought for a few seconds, then decided to just hand in what I had. I really don't want to continue working on it. The prof did say it was supposed to be a "short" essay. I don't consider 5-7 pages a short essay: more a medium length.

Early this afternoon I wrote an in class essay in French. It was supposed to be 250 words long. I think I made about 180. And I didn't follow what the given topic very well. I just couldn't think of anything to say, in English or in French.

Right now, I'm formatting/polishing an essay for another class. it's supposed to be 2500-3000 words and I'll actually be there. Unfortunately it seems to wander around more than I'd meant to. I think I really have no idea how to go about writing an essay. I keep trying to write ecomnia (essays trying to prove some point) and end up not doing anything of the sort. Bleh!

I"ll be glad to be done this essay tomorrow. Then I can sit back, relax and do something where I have an idea of what's expected of me: my taxes!

by alan on Wed 31st Mar 2004 2:37PM

Well, I finished all my essays and handed them in. Except the one due in mid-April. That one I've just started on. It's odd. While I was working on my essays, I couldn't keep my eyes open in the evening, and would always wake up when my alarm rang. Now that they're in, I can't seem to sleep at night and wake up two hours before my alarm rings. You'ld think I was stressed out or something.

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