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Speeding days
by alan on Fri 13th Jun 2008 11:11AM

Wow, time is passing quickly. I've not been able to keep up with myself. It's been almost 3 months since we moved and we still haven't had a housewarming party. We're looking to do that on the 28th this month. The house is slowly coming in to shape. For the most part, the previous owner did some nice things to the place. The yard, however, needs a lot of work. I've been "Weed and feed"ing, planting bushes, trimming hedges, cutting off tree branches, and generally puttering around a lot outdoors. I had originally hoped to have a vegetable or herb garden this year, but now, I don't think so.

Now that I've got a working version of Ante (see last post), I'm spending more time figuring out how to make Rior work as I want. Some if it may be to make a few minor changes to Ante to make Ante work more efficiently, and to give more pre-load metadata to Rior. If that sounds confusing, don't worry, it is. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around exactly what I want to do. I've got a collection of little php files that work, but don't work together yet. And the more I think about how to make them work together, the more I discover that I've misunderstood the problem or have been working cross purposes to myself. So, like I mentioned, it looks to be another year before I can finish Rior :(

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