Thought Expounding
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by alan on Thu 12th Jul 2007 6:02PM

So, while I'm getting plenty of interviews (4 different companies so far this week), I'm not working yet. My wife has finished teaching for the summer, so we're doing a bit of travelling. Last weekend we went to visit my parents and then rushed back south so that my wife could attend a bridal shower. This coming weekend we're going to a family reunion for her dad's side of the family in Chicago. I think we're actually meeting up in downtown Chicago. I've never been so it should be fun.

I'm continuing my violin practice. My wife hasn't mentioned the word droning recently, she's more likely to say something like that's not quite right, try again. She's being very supportive and I love her. It's great.

As far as The Ante Template Engine, I'm debugging it from time to time. I'm developing a second part which is a kind of database layer for it that I'm calling Rior. That way the two parts together can be called Ante-Rior. I've also started thinking about another part that'll work with Rior and I'll call Exte. I also realised that Exte-Rior will work with Javascript nicely, and I can call the Javascript library for it something like Vinyl. I haven't figured out completely what Exte-rior will do exactly yet though, so Vinyl Exte-rior is really up in the air. :)

It's that time of year again to look for hosting providers. I've already renewed my contract for the domain name. is safe for another year with Netfirms. What I've discovered is that hilltopia doesn't use the full bandwidth that Daily Razor offers for the price I'm paying, but it's the lowest priced normal hosting I've been able to find. I have, however, discovered Nearly Free which is happy to charge only for the bandwidth and hard drive space used at reasonably low prices. Although it doesn't scale very well. For high volume sites the bandwidth is kind of expensive, but hilltopia is not a high bandwidth site. :)

I'm working
by alan on Wed 25th Jul 2007 12:39AM

I got a job offer for a company in Cambridge and had my first day of work today. Today was being introduced to a bunch of the people there and learning what the software does. Tomorrow I think will be more of the same. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to start contributing. I think my violin practicing is going to go downhill a bit. I practiced a bit when I got home tonight. I can play How Great Thou Art and part of another hymn which I can't even remember the name of. I'm trying to learn to play by ear, but first I've got to train my ear to figure out what direction and how far the intervals are. It's coming, just very slowly.

Chicago was fun, but I didn't get to see much. We were right in the "Loop" and I discovered that when you're new to the city, taking Lower Wacker Drive looking for a hotel on Wacker Drive is a bad idea. While you're mere feet from the hotel's driveway, you can't see it, and you can't find it. Also, Chicago doesn't seem to mark the corners where there's no left turns very well. :(

I'm on a new hosting provider now. I've transfered over to Nearly Free For low volume web hosting they seem to be the best game I've been able to find. For higher volume they're more expensive, but that's okay. I highly doubt this site will ever be a high volume site.

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