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Bought a house
by alan on Tue 5th Feb 2008 4:21PM

We've put in an offer on a nice house in Waterloo. It's a great place and we'll be moving in a couple of months. That said, I'm finally moving ahead with a website that I've been wanting to do for almost a year now. Last summer just before I was laid off, I started working on it, and then I took a detour into Ante, and then Rior and even a bit of SQL parsing to help configure Rior from an existing database. That was all good, because I want to use them to create this website, but it put things off.

I'm finally back on the wagon, so to speak, and working on downloading rss and html pages and storing them in my db. My current issue is stripping adodb calls out. I've decided that an abstract abstraction layer will probably cause me as many headaches as it fixes, since I'm going to be using MySQL any which way.

by alan on Tue 26th Feb 2008 4:19PM

So, we've been packing. Most of my books are packed away and some of dishes that don't get used so much. It's kind of weird to be in the apartment where there used to be books etc and there's now boxes. And some of the bookshelves are empty. It just feels wrong.

Unfortunately, we've come under the weather as well, so it's making packing difficult when we don't have a lot of energy.

In the morning Pedro took Marchan, Trevor and Canod outside and around behind the stable. The sky was bright, but Pedro said they had best hurry as there was going to be a storm later in the morning. When Canod looked at him, he pointed to a small dark cloud in the north east.

'That, is currently out over the Bay of Chitay. It's gathering up water out of the bay and growing bigger. It'll be here before the sun is around to the south of us.'

The three travellors looked at each other. Being able to predict when a storm was coming would be a great help for them. They would be able to make preparations before it hit.

Pedro led them to the base of a cliff and dug about in the snow until it suddenly gave way under him and he fell into a cave. The other three rushed down to see if he was okay, but he stood up and brushed himself off. He took out a torch from his backpack and lit the torch with a match. The cave was not particularly high or wide (Trevor had to stoop and they could only go two abreast), but it went some distance under the cliff. They followed his torch the cave started to show signs of widening, and that someone had worked the stone, making the opening wider here, leveling the floor there. Nothing particularily noticable by itself, but together giving Marchan the impression someone had been coming in and out of this cave many times.

After a time, Pedro stopped. The cave had widened a little bit though it was still rather low. Pedro had them sit in a circle and said, 'Just past here a wind comes from every which way and blows out my torch. I am unable to get a match to light in the wind. I do not know how much further I have to go before the wind dies and I do not want to continue lest I fall and am unable to come back.'

Marchan immediately knew what Pedro wanted: someone to explore the cave who didn't need a torch. He nodded to Pedro and asked, 'Why do you want to continue exploring the cave? Is there something down here?'

'When I first came to this valley, before I even met Joan, I think it was twenty years ago, I was just travelling through plying my trade as a tinker looking for customers. Well, there was some elves staying in the valley and they saw me and invited me to join in their meal. They weren't interested in any of my wares. They said they could get better pots and pans that never wear out and are a pleasure to clean. Well, I asked if I could buy from them, and they refused me. When I asked where they got them from, they pointed at this cave and said they make them from the taitaim in this mine. Then they laughed at me, and said they were familiar with the ways of my people and I was welcome to have any gold that's in the mine, I just had to bring it to the surface. Well, I'll tell you. I've done my utmost since to find that gold. I brought Joan up here on the promise of gold and it's a wonder she hasn't left me. But if you'd help me, I would finally be able to fulfil my promise to her.'

'I see,' said Marchan. 'I've little use for a lot of gold myself right now as I'm travelling, but I do feel I need to pay my guide, Canod here.'

Canod looked up, he had been translating for Marchan and Trevor all this time, but hadn't really thought about the travellors receiving a share in the gold.

'Oh, of course,' said Pedro. 'I don't know how much gold there is down here, but we will all share as we see fit.'

Marchan stood up and took the lead, Pedro still carrying the torch behind him and Canod and Trevor behind him. Suddenly the cave widened out and a stiff breeze blew on them and the torch went out.

And that seems like a good place to leave that. I've been dying to do some writing for week or so now.

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